January 14, 2010


Ide Kenichiro is the organizer of Designing. For the last 3 years Teku Teku has been joining his Design event. I met up with Ide today to talk about my plan and see what he thinks about it.

Cycling up to our meeting place I came up with the following idea.
1. Japanese kids make drawings
2. I copy the drawings
3. They put a copy of their drawing in an envelope and write their name and a message.
4. I take the envelopes to Holland where the kids get an envelope.
5. They look at the picture and make their own drawing based on what they got from the Japanese kid.
6. I copy the Dutch drawings 2 times. One copy goes into an envelope back to the Japanese kid with a message and one I will take to the next country. In this way a chain will form .

Ide's idea:
he seems to like it only would like the connections to branch out instead of making a chain only. The next Design event will be April 21st~25th and will be hold in IMS again. This will be a great location to start our event.


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