October 26, 2009


The first movie I made for a total stranger. I went to a cooking class in Kyoto and made a movie of it. As a thank you I received a lovely hand made bowl.

October 14, 2009

Hmmm Do charts reveal your true self or are they deceiving.... Am I an alcoholic or not ?
For 30 days I tried to spend not more than 1000 yen a day....... not so easy it turns out but made it, and lost 2 kg. Yeahhhhhh!

For those interested:
This 14350 yen beer money includes 1 wedding party, 2 days outdoor music event, 1 BBQ, 4 times to the pub.

30 days (90 meals) I prepared 77 meals myself, average 86.5 yen a meal, didn't eat any meat or fish and made big portions and froze them. 6 meals free provided by school/friends. 7 meals ate out.

Well its an interesting challenge to take! You definitely will think twice before buying something from a convenie or vending machine. Only wish that beer would be cheaper ;-)

October 4, 2009


A movie for my friend MiyukiI made to practice for my project MOVIeNG GLOBAL

October 1, 2009


A movie for my friend Makoto I made to practice for my project MOVIeNG GLOBAL